‘V for Vendetta’ initial response

Answer the following questions, using evidence from the text:

  1. Write a BREIF plot overview
  2. Discuss a character that stood out to you and why
  3. Analyse the setting of the text (was it effective)
  4. Uncover elements of the film that demonstrate this (fits the speculative/dystopia brief)
  5. Discuss the director’s intention (do you believe he was successful in presenting this.
  6. Write about ONE cinematography that was effective in the film
Digetic sound - naturally occuring in the scene
Non-digetic sound - added later
  1. “The dystopian film is set in a futuristic totalitarian London” – Wikipedia. V, the protagonist in the film is firstly seen blowing up the “old bailey”. Throughout the film, he creates a strong bond with Evey and after V’s death near the end of the film, Evey goes onto blow up the parliament building. V likes to create havoc and anarchy in order or to wake up the society which creates unease making the citizens less compliment with the government. This is all in hope of the citizens to overturn the government and create change.
  2. A character that stood out to me was inspector Finch. “Eric Finch is a talented, thoughtful detective, and one of the most important figures at the Nose. Finch is unlike the majority of his colleagues, as he dislikes the repressiveness and brutality of the Leader’s regime, and voices his dislike to the Leader himself. Finch’s willingness to admit his disapproval is a mark of his bravery” – https://www.litcharts.com/lit/v-for-vendetta/characters/mr-eric-finch
  3. As previously mentioned the film is set in a futuristic totalitarian London where civil liberties are limited. The setting was effective as it demonstrates how it was a totalitarian state. Things like the loudspeakers in the streets control the citizens by forcing them to listen to government propaganda. Also, the undercover policemen (fingermen) in the streets of the city control the citizen’s freedom by enforcing a curfew at night.
  4. In the film, the government of London is controlled by one figurehead. This is seen in lots of totalitarian regimes as one person is controlling the whole country (in this case city) as other people don’t have a say. This ‘figurehead’ usually has authoritarian beliefs in terms of political ruling.

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